

Combat proven threat detection.

Automated Targeting

Pathfinder can integrate with UAS as “fly to cue” and camera systems to offer “slew to cue.”

Easy Deployment

Emplace sensors quickly and discreetly while on the move.


With only the antenna exposed, Pathfinder is undetectable to the human eye.


Pathfinder has been proven in chaotic combat environments to provide pinpoint accuracy of enemy positions.

The Pathfinder Advantage

  • Simplified wireless architecture allows for easy installation
  • Extended battery life (Mini sensor: up to 6 months; XL sensor: up to 24 months)
  • Focused detection radii and point detection capability
  • Long range detection reporting without the use of gateways and relays
  • Line of sight, non-line of sight, and beyond line of sight capable
  • Intelligent, machine learning algorithms
  • High probability of detection and low false alarm rate
  • Ruggedized sensor capable of withstanding a wide range of climates and terrains

Case Study

Echoes in Afghanistan

Personnel were able to quickly place Pathfinder sensors in the surrounding areas overlooking their outpost and did not have to worry about retrieving the “expendable” sensors.


U.S. and NATO forces needed a solution to pinpoint threats 24/7, near and far, along known routes they traveled. An expendable, wireless, and covert solution was critical to ensure the simple, quick emplacement of the sensors unseen by the enemy.

Ecos en Afganistán

El personal pudo colocar rápidamente los sensores Pathfinder en las zonas circundantes con vistas a su puesto de avanzada y no tuvo que preocuparse de recuperar los sensores "prescindibles".

IEDs in Irak

Las fuerzas estadounidenses y de la OTAN necesitaban una solución para localizar las amenazas las 24 horas del día, cerca y lejos, a lo largo de las rutas conocidas por las que viajaban.