ARA Demos Leading-Edge Tech at GEOINT Symposium

Applied Research Associates, Inc. is a 100% employee-owned international research and engineering company that provides innovative solutions to the edge with technologies and capabilities that are proven to make a difference, from competition through conflict. With the combined skills of advanced engineering capabilities and longstanding military experience, ARA’s team develops leading-edge equipment and solutions to augment 3D data and build the next generation of the metaverse.

ARA recently showcased some of our leading-edge technologies at the 2023 GEOINT Symposium.

Hosted by the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF), the 2023 GEOINT Symposium, themed “GEOINT: From Maps to Metaverse,” brought together geospatial intelligence professionals from government, military, industry, and academia. 

At the symposium, ARA showcased our broad range of technical expertise in defense technologies, including advanced GEOINT data and augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) solutions for mission planning and tactical situational awareness. Technologies included:

  • Landform Engine
    • Turns satellite imagery into 3D content
    • Conflates Landform Engine’s 3D content with drone-collected data
    • Conflates disparate datasets into a cohesive 3D model
  • VR-TAK
    • Immerses users in 3D and meta-data in VR
    • Delivers to the tactical edge via TAK ecosystem
  • Tactical Edge Nodes
    • Delivers 3D data to the tactical edge
    • Brings the power of the Metaverse to the front line

ARA’s Jeff Lyons also presented a Lightning Talk at USGIF’s 2023 GEOINT Symposium Innovation Hub titled “Faster GEOINT Acquisitions = Faster GEOINT.”


Jeff Lyons

About ARA

Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) was founded in 1979, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to offer science and engineering research to solve problems of national importance. ARA delivers leading-edge products and innovative solutions for national defense, energy, homeland security, aerospace, healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing. With over 2,000 employee-owners at locations in the U.S. and Canada, ARA offers a broad range of technical expertise in defense technologies, civil engineering, computer software and simulation, systems analysis, biomedical engineering, environmental technologies, and blast testing and measurement.